Wexa AI Coworkers - A new generation of process automation

Wexa AI Coworkers represent a revolutionary approach to process automation, pioneering the use of multi-agent collaborative systems.  These systems leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to orchestrate task execution within a predefined workflow.

Unveiling the Wexa Coworker Architecture:

The core element of the Coworker is a distributed network of specialised agents, each fulfilling a specific role:

  • Skilled Agents: These intelligent entities possess the capability to perform predefined actions or access external resources on a user's behalf. They achieve this through the use of skills and connectors.
  • Decision Agents: When faced with branching execution paths within a workflow, the Decision Agent steps in. It analyzes task data and preceding agent outputs to make data-driven decisions that determine the optimal course of action. These decisions leverage advanced machine learning algorithms.
  • Loop Agents: Similar to Decision Agents, Loop Agents perform situational analysis. However, their focus is on loop iteration control. They utilize internal state information and potentially user-defined parameters to determine whether to continue the current execution loop or transition to the next agent within the workflow.

The coworker process involves intricate decision-making to ensure seamless automation without human intervention.  This decision-making faculty is powered by deep learning algorithms embedded within the agents. Here are some crucial parameters that influence agent performance:

  • Temperature: This parameter within NLP models influences the creativity and risk level of text generation. A higher temperature fosters more innovative yet potentially nonsensical content.
  • Tokens: This parameter sets the maximum length of the generated text. A higher token count allows for more elaborate content creation.

Additional Considerations:

For optimal agent performance, precise definitions of role, role description and task sets are paramount.  Clearly defined parameters translate to more informed decision-making by the agents within the Coworker system.


Wexa AI Coworkers embody the future of process automation, blending AI with multi-agent systems to redefine workflow efficiency. This technical exploration reveals the depth of innovation behind their design, promising a new horizon of productivity and creativity in automation.